About Me
Rapid Transformational Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist

About Me
Auto Electrical Apprentice, Fashion Designer, Retail Store Manager, Clothing Buyer, Financial Director in an Air-conditioning Group, mum of two amazing daughters, wife, sister, daughter, friend and human.
I moved to Johannesburg in 1997 with a single cricket team sized tog bag filled with my worldly possessions. The last 24 years have been filled with lessons, losses, joys, sorrows and Satori moments.
I am driven, determined and firmly believe that “all things are possible.”
My superpowers include the ability to see solutions, being a great listener, focused focus, and connecting and putting people at ease easily.
My favourite things to do are, and are not limited to, cooking, reading, dancing, playing and watching tennis, creating memorable experiences for family and friends, and tending to my indoor pot plants and orchids.
I Believe In:
- A balanced and harmonious life.
- Continued self-development, learning and growing one’s own human asset value that will yield massive dividends in the most beautiful and meaningful ways in your life.
- Changing your dialogue. It can change you, your life and the lives of those around you.
- Share, and the universe shares with you!
- The notion that we are the way to everything we want in our lives; all the while being supported, guided, and directed by the divine.
- Laughter is to the soul what water is to the earth…
- Being grateful for all things big and small.
- ”Each one teach one” – As the energy of this connection flows and elevates, we raise global consciousness.
- We are all connected.
Why RTT® and Hypnotherapy?
Helping, motivating and inspiring people to be and do their best comes naturally to me. I have the ability to see more in people than they can see in themselves. And I have wanted to turn this attribute into a full-time occupation. It’s been an enduring love and desire.
Rapid Transformational Therapy is a complete healing process that you are in total control of from start to end. Transformation and healing begin the moment you choose to have a session with an RTT Practitioner. It’s the depth of the healing that sets it apart. Rapid because it gets to the root cause fast. People want to feel better now to go on and live fuller, happier, more peaceful lives. It’s an awakening to your true potential – the potential that you were born with.

About My Work
I focus and hone in on only, what you, my client wants by using many of the phenomenal tools RTT® provides. Together, we uncover limiting beliefs and install empowering ones that free you from emotional factors; permanently.
The process is non-invasive and easy to follow and can be done via online facilitation in the comfort of your own home. If you choose positive change and awakening to your true potential, you’ve come to the right place.
I work on Zoom and face to face. Book a discovery call via my website or contact me directly to set up an appointment.
I am based in Johannesburg, South Africa and work from my office in Houghton Estate.
“You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself.”
-Galileo Galilei